Training & Courses

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    Rather, watch paint dry than sign up for a health and safety course? Unfortunately, health and safety training is often perceived as a necessary evil. At Kellsafe, we believe that even the driest subjects can be brought to life and delivered in an entertaining fashion.

    We adopt various delivery methods to appeal to all learning styles, and we use interactive exercises and quizzes where appropriate to test knowledge and understanding. In addition to our standard certified courses, we develop customised and bespoke training and team-building packages. This is a tailored service to your organisation’s specific needs. All our courses can be delivered in bite-sized sessions at your premises, with flexible timings to fit intricate shift patterns if required, ensuring minimal disruption to your business operations.


    An external body regulates our certified courses, and delegates will be awarded a nationally recognised qualification, subject to passing the assessment criteria. Delegates will be awarded a nationally recognised qualification.

    Our trainers can help ease the pressure by delivering training broken down into bite-sized modules at any time, day or night, seven days a week, accommodating even the most complex shift patterns. This gives our clients full compliance with statutory training requirements, like fire marshal and first aid training, with the benefit of minimum downtime and loss of production.


    In partnership with our network of colleagues and associates, we can also offer training for specialist plant and equipment, like forklifts, dumper trucks, narrow aisle trucks (VNA’s) and overhead cranes. Please contact us with details of the equipment, including make and model so that we can provide you with a no-obligation quote.

    Non-Certified training courses we provide:


    Our engaging trainers have many talents and areas of expertise that go beyond their specialist field of health and safety. Why not approach us to discuss your company-specific training requirements? We will work with you to develop and deliver a tailor-made training package to meet your needs.

    • Train the Trainer
    • Excellence Mindset Training
    • Behavioural Safety Training
    • Leadership / Management Training
    • Team Building Activities
    • Corporate Values, Goals and Objectives
    • Manual Handling Training (non-certified course)
    • Manual Handling Risk Assessment Training (non-certified)

    Courses & Training

    First Aid Training

    We offer transferable First Aid Skills that can be applied to the home, workplace or public locations. Although theory-based, our courses include multiple scenarios to ensure our delegates receive hands-on experience delivering first aid in potential real-life situations. Our courses are designed to train your employees at various levels depending on your company size & requirements, as identified for your first aid risk assessment needs.

    Our courses include a ½ day Level 2 Basic Life Support Course, suitable for appointed persons; a 1-day Level 3 (Level 6 in Scotland) Emergency First Aid and Work Course; and the 3-day Level 3 (Level 6 in Scotland) First Aid at Work Qualification requalification.

    We also offer specialist courses, including paediatric first aid courses, focusing on first aid for babies and children. For anyone who requires knowledge but does not need certification, e.g. if the training is not work-related, we can offer non-certified courses to reduce the cost.

    For organisations that want to improve their first aid training, we can add a theatrical element by providing actors with fake blood and wounds to play the part of casualties.

    We also offer refresher training and requalification courses for existing first-aid trained personnel.

    Auditor Training

    Kellsafe can offer bespoke auditor training to suit your organisation’s auditing needs. Courses range from basic awareness courses for auditees and internal auditors to lead auditor training.

    We can incorporate bespoke company auditing criteria into the training scope or equip your auditors with international standards, including ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.

    All our auditor training packages include interactive exercises whereby delegates can put their new skills to the test. Delegates will be allowed to apply their knowledge in a practical desktop scenario. This will include reviewing documentary evidence, interviewing ‘auditees’ played by our instructors, and site inspections.

    Manual Handling Training

    Our manual handling courses are designed to help your employees understand manual handling and help reduce the risks and accidents derived from lifting, lowering, carrying, putting down, pushing and pulling.

    We provide manual handling risk assessment training for those responsible for undertaking risk assessments in your organisation, including team leaders, safety reps and managers.

    In partnership with our ergonomic and manual handling experts, we can also offer a full package comprising an initial gap analysis exercise to understand the types of manual handling activities undertaken by your workforce.

    Bespoke on the job, training packages can be developed and delivered, and support can be provided by managers and supervisors responsible for supervising the tasks. A post-training review can be provided to ensure that knowledge is retained and applied in the workplace.

    Train the Trainer

    We can offer train the trainer courses for your team leaders, supervisors and managers responsible for delivering in-house training to their teams.

    Attendance will equip those responsible for training delivery with a greater understanding of the theory behind learning, including but not limited to how to recognise and appeal to the various learning styles and how to check knowledge retention.

    Team-Building / Corporate Values

    We work with organisations to develop bespoke training packages around their corporate values and company ethos. Examples include ‘excellence mindset training’, which encourages staff and departments to consider how they contribute to the business.

    Behavioural Safety Training

    Kellsafe works with Organisations to identify critical behaviours that impact natively on their current culture and those necessary to achieve the desired results. We then developed a behavioural change programme to facilitate the transition.

    Food Safety in Catering

    We can offer a 1-day Level 2 Food Safety in Catering Qualification. This is an excellent introduction to Food Safety in Catering. It will benefit all employees, particularly those who hold or are about to hold a food safety role within their catering organisation.

    The course will clarify aspects of food safety, which many of us believe are complicated and daunting.

    Health and safety legislation underpins the importance of food safety in catering. It requires employers to establish policies and procedures and ensure their employees receive appropriate training.

    Successful candidates will be awarded a national Level 2 (Level 5 in Scotland) qualification, providing an ideal platform for higher-level training or career development.

    IOSH Working Safely

    Working Safely is an entirely different approach to safety and health training. It’s a high-impact programme designed to be fun and get people fully involved.

    The first-class, jargon-free content is based on what people need to know in practice, not off-putting legal language. Working Safely is for people at any level, in any sector worldwide, who need a grounding in the essentials of safety and health. It gives everyone at work an understanding of why they must ‘work safely’ – and does it enjoyably.

    Health and Safety in the Workplace

    We can offer a ½ day level 1 qualification in health and safety. This is an excellent introduction to health and safety in the workplace, will benefit any worker in any industry or sector, and accommodates induction training for new employees well.

    All aspects of Health and Safety are important to a business, whether you are an employee, contractor or supplier. This half-day course will benefit both the learner and the business, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment.

    We also offer a 1-day level 2 qualification in health and safety. This course is suitable for all staff. However, it may be particularly interesting to those who accept a health and safety role, including a safety representative within their organisation.

    Successful candidates will be awarded a national Level 2 (Level 5 in Scotland) qualification, which will provide an ideal platform for higher-level training or career development, for example, the IOSH Working or Managing Safely Course.

    IOSH Managing Safely

    Managing Safely is unlike any other course. You’ll find a practical programme full of step-by-step guidance and a sharp business focus. But you’ll also find the highly innovative format and content engaging and inspiring your staff – critical to embedding safety and health across the whole organisation.

    Managing Safely is designed for managers and supervisors in any sector and organisation worldwide. They won’t suddenly become safety experts, but they’ll get up to speed on the practical actions they need to take and gain the knowledge and tools to tackle the safety and health issues they’re responsible for.

    Importantly, Managing Safely makes a compelling case for safety and health being integral to day-to-day management and business.

    Mental Health First Aid Training

    Each year, approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health condition, and at least 1 in 6 employees experience common mental health problems in the workplace. HSE Guidance (First Aid Needs Assessment) refers to mental health in the workplace. We have three levels of training to choose from, depending on the desired level of knowledge.

    The ½ day level 1 Awareness of First Aid of Mental Health (level 4 Scotland) provides learners with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation and signpost the person towards professional help.

    The 1-day level 2 First Aid for Mental Health Course (level 5 Scotland) expands on the level 1 course and covers the effects of drugs and alcohol, as well as ways in which a positive mental health culture can be supported within a workplace.

    The 2-Day Level 3 Supervised First Aid for Mental Health (level 6 Scotland) expands on the content of levels 1 and 2 and is aimed at supervisor and management level staff within the workplace.

    Construction (Design and Management) 2015. (CDM Training)

    Suppose you are a construction company waiting to start taking on the role of principal contractor. In that case, we can support you by providing training on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 so that you fully understand your duties.

    If you are a client seeking to commission a construction project, we can help you understand your legal duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Attendance in this course will help you check that your appointed duty holders, including the Principal Contractor and Principal Designer, are fulfilling their duties under regulations and demonstrate that you are responsible for your duties.

    This training will help prevent accidents and ill-health and avoid unnecessary litigation and potential fines. This course is suitable for all Duty Holders cited under the CDM 2015 Regulations.